Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Edge of Tomorrow Has Earned $ 20 Million Before Foreign

Tom Cruise and Doug Liman scored a surprise hit on their hands with the edge of Tomorrow land. Åtminstonede doing in the area of critical praise, such as Rotten Tomatoes has a very early 95% thanks freshness. When it comes to opening the weekend box office estimates are not so optimistic, however. In fact, the film is expected to open at $ 30 million this weekend at the domestic box office. Sure, the movie was released in major international destinations, and judging from the responses, it seems that the film is a loser this weekend for their roots.

Range, international box office tally for Doug Liman - film directed $ 20 million, which pales in comparison to Angelina Jolie for Maleficent. Disney Fairy yielded $ 100 million in its first week out of the country, its $ 70 million to take home, making for a great weekend before. When the film and at the end of this week tends to decrease in the second week, and even a reduction of 50% up to $ 35 million, much faster than expected on the edge of Tomorrow land.

Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie are two of the last remaining " movie star ", can only benefit their names crowd. And both of their films in competition for the market on the outskirts of tomorrow has some advantages. First, the film has not yet opened in China or Japan, similar to Maleficent, but the edge of the next day day before in Japan, opens with no definite release date for the image of Disney in China. Asian film market has become one of the fastest growing markets, and proven to be an important part of the movie box office. While the cruise market can be assured of a great day for photos Jolie open - time to relax songs competition at home, maybe in his film a chance to make a profit.

And the film projected $ 178 million budget, the war is not easy for someone who has had more than once is a dangerous area. As a worst-case scenario proves true, it will be intense morning of this year, the Lone Ranger, but with better reviews. Come to think of it, Maleficent 1:52 % freshness and critical private and 77 % public and private. If there are grounds for comprehensive analytically support to sell the film edge of tomorrow is one to watch.

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